Amino acids are a group of organic chemicals from which proteins are made. In short, they are the building blocks of our organisms.
We know over 300 naturally occurring amino acids, 20 of which are part of all living organisms, serving as a building block.
Some of the naturally occurring protein amino acids our body produces by itself, and some of it we have to provide with food. Self-produced compounds are endogenous amino acids, such as alanine and glutamine.
Exogenous amino acids are synthesized from food, and their source is dairy and meat.
Amino acids, or BCAA, are needed for the proper functioning of the body.
For example, they are responsible for the hormonal balance, participate in the production of body fluids, support cell regeneration, and take part in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. During intense exercise, amino acids turn into a source of energy and building material for muscles.
accelerates the growth of lean muscle mass
protects muscles against damage
reduces the subcutaneous fat ratio
increase the indicators of endurance and anaerobic strength
accelerates recovery
tones and improves well-being.